(214) 227-7669
3415 Custer Road, Suite #122, Plano, TX 75023

Our Staff: Meet our Property Managers

Jason Marascio

Real Estate Agent & Property Manager

Jason Marascio在12岁时就开始从事客户服务和销售工作,早上送报纸,周末挨家挨户推销杂志订阅. 他整个高中都在工作,在木材场找到了各种各样的工作, restaurants, and retail stores. 杰森最终在都柏林的一家五金批发公司找到了一份工作, 高中一毕业,他就在加州工作,在那里他表现出色,在接下来的五年里,他在公司里不断得到提升.  Changing gears, 杰森利用他的客户服务技能和对汽车的热情成为了日产的服务顾问. In a short time Jason was offered the service manager position, 但在2004年,他选择搬到达拉斯沃斯堡地区,离家人更近. He continued to work for Nissan in the Dallas area, 但很快就发现经销商的节奏比他习惯的要慢得多. 杰森不是一个坐以待毙的人,当他被介绍给一个房地产投资者时,他开始寻找其他的工作机会. Not afraid of hard work, 杰森卷起袖子,开始准备空置的出租物业,同时仍然在日产公司保持全职工作. Even though he started at the bottom cleaning toilets, removing trash, 并且目睹了一些非常糟糕的事情,杰森知道房地产投资是他想要追求的一条道路. 短短几个月后,杰森辞去了日产的全职工作,开始自己创业, Elite Investment Property Services. Only scratching the surface of real estate investing, Jason于2005年创办了We Buy North Texas Homes,这使他能够产生线索并建立自己的租赁组合. After acquiring several rental properties, 贾森发现管理他们正成为一份全职工作,因此2007年出现了另一项业务, 冰川物业管理公司最终发展成为今天的样子, North Texas Property Management. Citing “integrity” as Jason’s favorite word, 在一个往往缺乏信任和诚实的行业,他在信任和诚实的基础上建立了一个蓬勃发展的企业. 从普莱诺到麦金尼,杰森把他作为物业经理的激情带到他工作的每一个城市, Frisco to Allen, and every other vibrant community in the North Dallas suburbs!

Jenny Marascio

Director of Operations – Real Estate Broker & Property Manager

1998年,珍妮·马拉西奥(Jenny Marascio)在一家名为E-Loan的新兴互联网公司开始从事抵押贷款行业. 她在抵押贷款行业获得了广泛的知识,最终于2006年获得了德克萨斯州储蓄和贷款部门的信贷员执照. 她的关注点从抵押贷款行业转向房地产投资,然后又转向 property management 2007年,她开始与丈夫杰森·马拉西奥(Jason Marascio)携手合作. 珍妮随后完成了必要的教育,获得了她的房地产执照,并最终成为德克萨斯州的房地产经纪人. 珍妮负责日常运营,对租赁项目非常了解, advertising, and the Dallas Fort Worth market. As a property manager, Jenny loves to visit the smaller cities such as Little Elm, Mesquite, and Sachse here in Texas, and she knows trivia and historical facts about each and every one!

Jane White

Senior Property Manager – Real Estate Agent

简·怀特的工作经历(这段经历最终让她在普莱诺从事物业管理工作), Texas) started as a receptionist in her teens, 这是一个跨越20多年的高级行政助理职位,包括服务于行业内几位知名的世界领导者. 2000年,简发现了她在房地产领域帮助卖家和买家的才能. Excited to further her career, 简扩大了她的客户服务能力,同时继续提供优质的客户服务. 2012年初,她又迎来了一个机会,为她的房地产履历增添了新的内容, property management. Jane joined the North Texas Property Management team as a Senior Property Manager 她很享受贡献她的客户服务技巧和对细节的关注. Primarily working with property owners, Jane focuses on being informative, reliable, and above all else, 在一个经常缺乏这种服务的行业中,提供最好的整体客户服务, customer service. 詹姆斯不仅喜欢参观普莱诺的房产,还喜欢参观理查森或艾伦的房产, especially in the Spring or Fall when the weather is cool!

Andrew Hays

Property Manager – Real Estate Agent

Andrew Hays has been in the real estate market for over four years. Andrew’s accomplishments include, receiving a real estate degree from The University of North Texas in 2008, becoming a licensed Realtor in the state of Texas.  他还通过了MetroTex的认证,成为租赁和物业管理专家. 安德鲁对客户的奉献精神反映在他开展业务的方式上,他努力超越他面前的任何期望. 2013年,安德鲁进入韦德1946网站,并证明了自己是公司的一笔资产. Andrew likes to keep an eye out on the booming real estate market in Allen, Texas, as well as Mesquite, Texas, 由于今天的房屋销售可以成为明天的投资物业,需要物业管理服务!

Kelly Mattix

Account Manager

Kelly Mattix于1995年在Countrywide开始了她在抵押贷款行业的职业生涯, while attending college. Looking to expand her knowledge, 她转到一家抵押贷款律师事务所,学会了准备成交文件的艺术. After a year in that role, 会计部门提供了一个机会,她找到了自己的使命! Eighteen years later, with the same company, Kelly felt more family time was in order, so chose to make a change and became a stay at home mom. With her youngest child starting school, Kelly sought out and was offered an exciting opportunity to work for NTXPM. She has found her part time roll to be both challenging and rewarding, 享受体验抵押贷款行业其他方面的机会. 凯利喜欢日常会计的制衡,在调查和简化工作流程方面表现出色. 她为自己的工作感到自豪,并努力把每件事都做到最好. A native Texan, born and raised in North Texas, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.

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